Federico García Lorca Foundation, Granada


The building would be organized into three complementary floors, a small theatre, the exhibition room and the García Lorca Foundation. The first two floors are open to the public and the third will illuminate the second through a series of skylights. From the entrance porch, an open staircase formally leads to the upper floor of the exhibition. Ascending, as well as descending via the second staircase, the visitor would have a view of the theatre and therefore a full understanding of the different activities available at the Centre and their location within it.

Another example of urbanism would be the modification of Romanilla Square, unfortunately undefined now, along with Capuchinas street. A group of tall poplar trees, accessed by a porch similar to the one at García Lorca, would increase the institutional presence in the city. Surely this is the best time to propose such an initiative.

Additionally, it has not been considered to maintain the site of the old Callejón de los Franceses. It would be no more than a nostalgic U-turn to an almost undesirable situation which would make it very difficult to develop the requested program, given the severely reduced site dimensions. However, what will remain is a little courtyard with the same trees as the exterior garden and a respectful solution to the light dues of the neighbouring homes.


Client: Federico García Lorca Foundation
Address: Plaza Romanilla s/n. 18001 Granada, Spain
Typology: Museums & Galleries
Status: Projects


Competition: 2004
Design of project: 2004

Solar: : 1.122 m²
Main building: 3.755 m²
Other spaces: 430 m²
Total: 4.185 m²


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
