Offices for Regional Government of Andalusia. Economy and Innovation Department in Almanjáyar, Granada


The Almanjayar zone, the area chosen for the construction of the administrative headquarters of the Andalusian Regional Government in Granada, did not provide any sort of stimulus for the building’s design or layout.

The public administration’s precise aim was to attempt to rezone the area through the presence of this new building; undoubtedly a positive approach in terms of urban development, but one that also presented a serious challenge to the design of the building, as it did not have any nearby reference points or positive urban information to draw on.

This led to the design of a building whose unique exterior facade avoids replicating any of the lines of the nearby buildings. In fact, the building takes its shape from a new space, a precisely geometrical courtyard that occupies the centre of the building and around which the entire structure is organised.

The complex is accessed from the south, where visitors come upon the courtyard, an unexpected discovery. From the courtyard they can reach the various vertical circulation areas. The influence of this central space and its organizational importance extends even to the arrangement of the offices on the various floors; individual offices are grouped around the courtyard, while the external-facing areas, which have a more irregular geometry, are reserved for open-plan offices.


Client: Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Andalusian Government
Address: Calle Joaquín Eguarás 2. 18013 Granada, Spain
Typology: Offices
Status: Built, In progress


Competition: 1999
Design of project: 1999 - 2002
Construction: 2004 - 2010
Implementation: 2010

Solar: : 9.704 m²
Main building: 24.283 m²
Other spaces: 22.611 m²
Total: 46.893 m²


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


Blanca Sánchez, Daniel Rodríguez, Elena de las Moras Hervella, Juan Carlos Mulero, Marta Pelegrín, Miguel Velasco


Duccio Malagamba

Structural engineering:

Tedeco Ingenieros

Climate engineering:

JG Ingenieros


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos

Site control:

Análisis de Edificación y Construcción


Inabensa, San José
